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I am me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I think I'm failing English.
I got a 72 on my first major test and I haven't been doing too well on the quizzes.
I was going to study for this latest quiz, but I got too engrossed in conversation with people on the internet at midnight. So, I think I got like, half of them wrong, even though it was only vocab and I have a pretty good vocabulary.
I think I'm getting a D in Chemistry.
When we do quizzes in Chem., we take a bunch, then the total points you got out of 100 is taken and used as a test grade.
So far, I have a 45 out of 70. Even if I get 100% on the next two quizzes, that still only brings me up to a B, and barely.
I'm tired of only getting only okay grades, but I'm bad at studying and I don't really have the motivation to do so when I need to.
I hate mediocrity.


Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

‘mediocracy’ is a condition in which culture is subordinated to pseudo-egalitarian ideology.

Unknown said...

You have to put quotes around that, Peetar. :o

Thought thief!

rocco said...

are you for reelz?
i'll have to fix that...

Unknown said...

i can honestly tutor you in chem if you need. i had an amazing teacher. actually the only thing i cant legitimately help with is algebra 2, because, well, i blocked that part of my sophomore year out on purpose.

but honestly no if you need help im totally in, as long as i dont have an enviro lab report due. :)

rocco said...

I don't really need tutoring.
In fact, I'm doing better than most of the kids in my class.
But better than them still doesn't get me an A.