Welcome to the Fallout

I am not my job, I am not my school, I am not my family, I am not my furniture, I am not my computer.
I am me.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Reassuring Thoughts

You know, something that I realized the other day while pondering my future, is that no matter what happens in my life, no matter how low I sink or how badly things turn out, I will still have at least two options of what I can do with my life.
I could either:

A. Join the Military. They'll accept pretty much anyone, as long as they're in decent shape and can do basic soldier duties. I think that I'd definitely be able to get in, even if I flunk out of high-school/college and never finish school, and I'd still pass the requirements. Plus, you get paid to do it, and it looks great on a job resume! This would be my main choice, or I could...

B. Turn to a life of Crime. This isn't even a joke. I believe that I'm intelligent enough to be in the crime business, AND I have family in the mafia who I could always probably join. I wouldn't mind all the bad stuff either, because I wouldn't really have anywhere else to go/anything else to do. Even if I got caught and jailed, it would totally be worth it because I would have been desperate enough to get into these circumstances! Oh, finally, being a Crime lord or something, maybe a vigilante, would totally be a blast, and worth the consequences.

So yeah, basically that's how I roll. Or will roll, possibly.