Welcome to the Fallout

I am not my job, I am not my school, I am not my family, I am not my furniture, I am not my computer.
I am me.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mr. Folmer

This guy is kind of cool I guess, but is also kind of a bitch. So far, his classes went by pretty fast, and it wasn't too bad, but from what I've heard, his class is going to be about as exciting as watching paint dry. But I'm not here to bitch about life, so I'll end this one now.

I'm so excited that I finally got a blog.

oh, and by the way, loseyourgame.com is a great site. you should hit it up.

1 comment:

Fiver said...

i am also excited that you got a blog, chile.

so very excited. :]
