Welcome to the Fallout

I am not my job, I am not my school, I am not my family, I am not my furniture, I am not my computer.
I am me.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I hate it. I really, really, really hate it.
Especially when all this homework is coupled with my ADD, the computer, volunteering at my church like, every weekend, and wanting to hang out with people.
I need solace.
And time.
And magic.

Any suggestions?


Fiver said...

Don't get a job. I don't have time to do my homework. So todays stuff due wednesday? SO not happening. :o

People should visit me tuesdays, thursdays, and weekends, though. :D eat food and say hey.

And just do the homework. Switch between things. Like, when algebra gets dull, switch on over to history. Oh look! Anne Boelyn is going down. Time to move on to religion. That sort of thing. Just dont spend hours on the same thing and it wont seem so bad. go task by task rather than subject by subject.

Nick Lyle said...

I want to visit you Scottie... but I live far away... lousy school.

And, I know how you feel Rocky. School sucks.

Oh, wait... I didn't take hnrs. chem.
