Welcome to the Fallout

I am not my job, I am not my school, I am not my family, I am not my furniture, I am not my computer.
I am me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Right about now, I'm not feeling very confident with my humanity. Everything just seems kind of hopeless and pointless, like the only reason I do anything is just for survival.
For instance, right now, I'm doing all this stuff in high school. But why? So I can get in to a good college. Why get in to a good college? To get a good job afterwards. Why get a good job afterwards? So I can make lots of money and get married and be happy. Then I die. That's pretty much how it is.

I want to break out of this pointless cycle of our lives, to do something more important than any of that stuff. I want to make a difference in the world, one that will change everything forever (in more than just a butterfly effect kind of way).

But, that probably isn't going to happen, so why bother anyway.


Fiver said...

Ooh! I know how! Jesus.
You didn't even mention him! Everything that you do should be working for Him. I know I want to get into Heaven and I love Jesus. Both are wonderful reasons to give him a huge purpose in your life.

rocco said...

This is true, but that doesn't really stand out in /THIS/ world. But then again, that wouldn't really matter, would it.......
But still, I'd like to do something special on Earth, in stead of just getting into heaven.

Nick Lyle said...

I feel the same way sometimes. I'd like to do something great, but I'm not sure if I have greatness in me. My best advice is to find something you love doing and base your life around that. It's a little worldly and a little selfish, but I'm not as spiritual as Scottie.

Though, when you think about it, will standing out in this world really be worth it? Eventually everything will become dust... Google "Ozymandias" by Percy Shelley.

And look up Luke 12:24-28, by the way...